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During the application phase (from May 1, 2023 – July 28, 2023), Northern Virginia jurisdictions and agencies are able to apply for NVTA regional funds. Eligible applicants include the region’s counties, cities, five largest towns, transit agencies and other state/regional governmental entities. Individual applicants follow their own local processes for selecting candidate projects and determining how much funding to request. This may include coordinating with other jurisdictions/agencies depending on project location. 

On March 9, 2023, the Authority unanimously approved the Call for Regional Transportation Projects (CfRTP) for the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program (SYP) Update.

The CfRTP encouraged applicants to consider how well candidate projects support the regional coherence philosophy integral to TransAction. In anticipation of a high demand for regional revenues, the CfRTP further encouraged applicants to highlight how well their candidate projects complement one another and those in adjacent jurisdictions. Applicants are encouraged to highlight how their candidate projects will align with NVTA’s Core Values of Equity, Safety, and Sustainability.  All projects considered for regional revenues are subject to a comprehensive regional evaluation process that uses multiple inputs and does not rely on a single metric.


During the verification phase (from August 2023 – October 2023), NVTA staff conduct multiple eligibility reviews for each application:

  • Virginia Code requires for a project to receive NVTA regional funds, it must be included in TransAction, the long-range transportation plan for Northern Virginia.
  • NVTA’s process for accepting applications necessitates each applicant’s governing body, typically a County Board of Supervisors or a City/Town Council, has officially endorsed them. The requested amount can either be a precise amount or a ‘not to exceed’ value. Applications that do not include a governing body resolution, or that request a higher amount than stated in the governing body resolution, are ineligible. Projects located in multiple jurisdictions require a governing body resolution from all jurisdictions.

Submitted Regional Transportation Project Applications

24 applications, requesting nearly $1 billion, will be evaluated for funding consideration. To view a summary of project applications, modal breakouts, and funding requests by each jurisdiction and locality, please see the linked chart and map below.


FY2024-2029 SYP Summary of Applications (Updated 3/28/2024)

FY2024-2029 SYP – Summary of Applications (Updated 12/15/2023)

FY2024-2029 SYP – Candidate Project Locations (Update: 12/15/2023)

FY2024-2029 SYP – Summary of Applications (Dated 10/27/2023)

FY2024-2029 SYP – Candidate Project Locations (Dated 10/27/2023)


During the evaluation phase (October 2023-March 2024), NVTA staff will conduct detailed reviews of each application and prepare summaries of quantitative and qualitative evaluations. February and March 2024, NVTA staff will share initial findings with selected NVTA committees for review and comment. All meetings are open to the public:

NVTA staff will review the project applications, request clarifications, and prepare information for the modeling and other analytical work, including congestion reduction relative to cost calculations.

Staff from each jurisdiction/agency will be invited to meet with NVTA staff to present their respective applications and to provide an early opportunity for NVTA staff to request clarifications. It is noted that project details may change during the evaluation phase to reflect any updates that are received by NVTA staff. Candidate projects will be evaluated using a set of quantitative and qualitative measures. Please reference page 4-7 of our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), for further details on the evaluation process.

For more information on how NVTA evaluates regionally significant transportation projects, please visit our website to learn more about TransAction Project Ratings (previously HB 599 ratings)

Public Engagement

During the March 14, 2024 Authority meeting, NVTA unanimously approved the Public Hearing and Public Comment Period for the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program (SYP). Click here to view the press release.

Public Comment Period

The Public Comment Period began March 28, 2024 and concluded May 19, 2024 at 11:59 p.m., with the SYP Public Hearing held on May 9, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. The public was invited to comment on the 24 SYP candidate projects during the public comment period via any of the following methods:

  • 💠Online: Feedback Form
  • 💠Phone: (703) 947-7606
  • 💠Mail: NVTA’s Offices: 2600 Park Tower Dr. Suite 601, Vienna, VA 22180
  • 💠Virtually or In-person during the Public Hearing: May 9, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. NVTA’s Offices, (2600 Park Tower Dr., Vienna, VA 22180 – First floor conference room).

The following materials were made available for public comment:



Below is a compilation of the public comments received.

FY2024-2029 Six Year Program Full Public Comment Submissions

Below is a Public Comment Summary, complete with an at-a-glance summary of comments by project, a breakout of those in support or opposed to specific projects within the Six Year Program Update, and an overview of the 730 plus comments received.

FY2024-2029 Six Year Program Public Comment Summary

Access the social media toolkit here!


During the recommendation phase (June – mid-July 2024), NVTA staff develop and present project recommendations to three NVTA committees, which in turn, provide final comments and their own recommendations. An updated recommendation will be considered by Authority members during their regularly scheduled business meeting on July 11, 2024. Authority members are anticipated to take action to adopt the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program during the July 2024 meeting.

Scheduled Committee Meetings:

NVTA staff is recommending 22 of the 24 transportation projects submitted for the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program, totaling $696,335,252, for full or partial funding.

FY2024-2029 Six Year Program: NVTA Staff Recommendations (6/13/24)

Planning and Programming Committee (PPC) met on June 25, 2024, and recommended to the Authority 23 of the 24 transportation projects submitted for the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program, totaling $696,335,252, for full or partial funding.

FY2024-2029 Six Year Program: Planning and Programming Committee Recommendations (6/25/2024)


On the evening of July 11th, members of the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) proudly adopted the FY2024-2029 Six Year Program (SYP), committing an impressive $696.6 million toward 23 multimodal transportation projects across the region. Additionally, the Authority took action to transfer $21.1 million from a previous NVTA-funded project in Arlington County to the CC2DCA Multimodal Connection Project, bringing the program’s project total to 24.

This significant investment will enhance all modes of transportation in Northern Virginia including transit, rail, roadway enhancements, technology, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and intersection/interchange improvements.