Transportation Technology Strategic Plan (TTSP)
The TTSP was designed to foster a proactive approach to innovation that advances the vision and goals for Northern Virginia while reducing congestion. It now informs numerous NVTA work products and InNoVAtion Initiatives, and collectively helps NVTA continue to build momentum in the region.
The NVTA Transportation Technology Strategic Plan (TTSP) consists of strategies and an Action Plan, which were designed to proactively prepare for the use of evolving technologies to address travel demand on infrastructure, while keeping congestion reduction top of mind. The full TTSP is maintained as a living document, and NVTA staff will continue to provide regular updates on progress through the NVTA Chief Executive Officer’s monthly report to the Authority.
Recognizing no one can plan for continuously evolving technologies and infrastructure challenges alone, the Eight Strategies were identified and defined with the guidance of the NVTA CEO’s Transportation Technology Committee (TTC), comprised of local, regional and national thought-leaders representing a broad range of perspectives relevant to the development, implementation, operation, and impact of transportation technologies.
View the most recent Transportation Technology Strategic Plan, here. The previous version of the TTSP can be viewed here.
Transportation Technology Committee
NVTA has a strong interest in the potential role of transportation technologies and related travel trends, in helping the region address its mobility challenges. The Authority’s CEO, Monica Backmon, established the Transportation Technology Committee (TTC) to advise the CEO on multimodal transportation technologies and related transportation trends that support (or endanger) the vision of the Authority as stated in its current Five-Year Strategic Plan; to develop an evidence-based body of knowledge that will educate and inform regional policy makers on multimodal transportation technologies and related transportation trends; and more.
The TTC will address transportation technologies and related trends that are occurring on multiple, overlapping timelines, e.g. today, during the next couple of years, and on a multi-decadal basis.
Learn more about the TTC.

Regional Multi-Modal Mobility Program
The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority has teamed up with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) to co-sponsor a Regional Multi-Modal Mobility Program (RM3P), aiming to use collaboration and data to improve the functioning of the multimodal transportation system in Northern Virginia — which is consistent with NVTA’s vision for the region.
Learn more about RM3P and its five program elements: 1) Data-Exchange Platform; 2) AI-Based Decision Support System; 3) Commuter Parking Information System; 4) Multi-Modal Analytical Planner; and 5) Dynamic Incentivization.
Annual Northern Virginia Transportation Roundtable
Each year, the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, in partnership with the Intelligent Transportation Society of Virginia (ITSVA), hosts the Annual Northern Virginia Transportation Roundtable, gathering experts from the public and private sectors, to discuss innovation in transportation and impacts on the region.
Check out past Roundtable events and highlights.

InNoVAtion Lunch and Learns
NVTA’s InNoVAtion Lunch and Learns are designed to provide opportunities for pragmatic information exchange about topics supported by NVTA’s Transportation Technology Strategic Plan (TTSP) that are feasible immediately or in the near future (1-5 years). The Lunch and Learns are fully virtual and are recorded and posted on NVTA’s YouTube page. Each session focuses on a chosen topic with a presentation from a subject matter expert in the field, followed by moderate questions and answers from the online participants. The sessions are approximately 45 minutes.
Check out upcoming and past Lunch and Learns here.
Driven by InNoVAtion Newsletter Sign Up

Sign up for the NVTA Driven by InNoVAtion newsletter. The Driven by InNoVation newsletter takes a look at the latest transportation technology trends across the globe. It is a also a great way to stay informed about transportation technology activities happening in Northern Virginia, receive updates on the Transportation Technology Strategic Plan and get Northern Virginia Transportation Roundtable recaps. Please enter your information below and click "sign up" to register.