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Potomac Yard Metrorail Implementation Work Group Meeting

Alexandria City Hall 301 King Street, Alexandria, VA, United States

*NVTA-Funded Project The August 2022 Potomac Yard Metrorail Implementation Work Group (PYMIG) meeting will take place on Monday, August 29, at 7:00 p.m. in Sister Cities Room 1101 at City Hall, 301 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. PYMIG members will be participating in-person or virtually via Zoom. The public is invited to attend in-person or […]

2022 Annual State of Transportation

Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce Tysons, Virginia

Join the Northern Virginia Chamber for a look into the future of mobility at the Annual State of Transportation on September 1st at 8:30am at the AWS Conference Center of the Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce in Tysons, VA. Speakers include: Paula Dowell AVP, National Consultant, Integrated Planning HNTB Jennifer Foote, Executive Director BEEP Renee […]

Design Update Project Info Meeting: Crystal City Metro East Entrance


*NVTA-Funded Project Next date: Tuesday, September 06, 2022 | 07:00 PM to 08:30 PM On September 6, 2022, County transportation staff and representatives from the project’s design team will share the 30% plan for the updated design, which features an at-grade (ground-level) ticketing mezzanine. They will also answer questions and solicit input on some of […]

Public Hearing & Authority Meeting

NVTA Offices 2600 Park Tower Drive,, Vienna, VA, United States

The TransAction Public Hearing will start at 7PM with the Authority meeting beginning immediately thereafter.

Transportation Tuesday: Virtual Lunch and Learn: Rt. 28 Bypass Project


The Prince William County Department of Transportation (PWC DOT) is continuing Transportation Tuesdays (Virtual Lunch and Learn) to provide information on specific topics related to the Route 28 Bypass project. Unlike other public information sessions, these Transportation Tuesday events will not include a live Q&A portion. Instead, PWC DOT will dive deeper into previously identified […]

Virtual Community Meeting on Huntington Metrorail Active Transportation Study – Fairfax County


The Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) will hold a virtual community meeting on Wed., Sept. 14 at 7:30 p.m. to present information about the Huntington Metrorail Active Transportation Study. The goal of the study, which concluded in June 2022, was to assess pedestrian and bicycle facilities and conditions within the Huntington Transit Station Area (TSA) study area and provide recommendations […]

Public Input Meeting for Battlefield Pkwy and Rt. 15 Bypass Interchange Study-Town of Leesburg

Ida Lee Parks and Recreation Center 60 Ida Lee Drive NW, Leesburg, VA

*NVTA funded project The Town of Leesburg will hold a public input meeting on Wednesday, September 21 to provide additional information and receive feedback on the alternatives for a grade-separated interchange (overpass) under consideration at the Battlefield Parkway and Route 15 Bypass intersection. This intersection is one of the most congested in the Town of […]

Technical Advisory Committee Meeting (TAC)

NVTA Offices 2600 Park Tower Drive,, Vienna, VA, United States

The Technical Advisory Committee will meet online over the Zoom platform. This meeting may also be viewed on NVTA’s YouTube Channel.

Planning Coordination Advisory Committee


For the September 28, 2022 meeting, the Planning Coordination Advisory Committee (PCAC) will meet in a fully virtual format. You can watch the PCAC meeting via live-stream on NVTA’s YouTube Channel. If technical difficulties arise, the meeting may be audio or video recorded. Any recordings will be made available on the PCAC webpage. 


Virtual Community Meetings – Franconia-Springfield Parkway Comprehensive Plan Amendments – Fairfax County


The Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) will hold two virtual public meetings on Comprehensive Plan Amendments (PAs) 2021-CW-T2 (Fairfax County and Franconia-Springfield Parkways ), authorized by the Board of Supervisors following endorsement of the Long-Term Planning Study recommendations for the Parkway and 2019-III-T1 (Fairfax County Parkway/Burke Centre Parkway), authorized by the Board of Supervisors following […]