TransAction 2040 is an update of the Northern Virginia 2030 Transportation Plan. While incorporating recent changes in our transportation network, TransAction 2040 aims to prioritize all the transportation solutions presented in the 2030 Plan. The 2030 plan itself was created as an answer to the growing problems with congestion in the Northern Virginia region. During the development of the 2030 Plan, citizens aided Northern Virginia’s transportation planners to map out a plan for making the vision a reality for the region’s transportation future.
Since the 2030 Plan was finalized in 2006, much has changed. Some projects have been completed; other regional transportation studies have been conducted; and congestion has increased on our roadways, HOV lanes, and transit systems. In addition, the region continues to face considerable transportation funding shortfalls.
The 2030 plan identified bus and rail transit, roadway, and non-motorized transportation needs throughout Northern Virginia – if implemented, these improvements could increase mobility, safety and reduce congestion. For the first time the 2030 Plan prioritized recommended improvements. The ongoing regional needs for transportation improvement and continued prioritization has led to the creation of TransAction 2040.