VIENNA – The Virginia Department of Transportation will hold a virtual public information meeting Thursday, March 18 on plans to construct bicycle and pedestrian improvements in the area of the Vienna Metro station along Country Creek Road/Virginia Center Boulevard between Sutton Road and the ramp to westbound I-66, and along Sutton Road between Blake Lane and Country Creek Road.
The preliminary design improvements include:
- Constructing shared-use paths along Blake Lane and Sutton Road from the I-66 bridge to Country Creek Road
- Adding a two-way cycle track with adjacent sidewalk along Country Creek Road/Virginia Center Boulevard from Sutton Road to the Metro North Parking Lot entrance
- Implementing a road diet along Country Creek Road/Virginia Center Boulevard from Sutton Road to the Metro North Parking Lot entrance
- Realigning the I-66 westbound ramp to Country Creek Road to improve safety and operations
- Modifying the traffic signals at the intersections of Sutton Road and Blake Lane, Country Creek Road and the ramp from westbound I-66, and Country Creek Road and Vaden Drive to improve safety and operations
- Installing new pavement markings and signs
The project is financed with federal, state and Fairfax County funding.
Get Involved
In lieu of an in-person meeting, VDOT invites residents and travelers to learn more, participate in the virtual meeting and give feedback in the following ways through Monday, March 29:
- Attend the Thursday, March 18 online meeting. Register at or to participate without registering in listen-only mode, call 866-901-6455 (use access code 835-327-731). The project team will make a short presentation beginning at 7 p.m. and answer questions for about an hour after the presentation. In case an alternate date is needed, the meeting will be held Wednesday, April 21.
- Provide comments via the online survey or by email to
- Mail comments to Mr. Zamir Mirza, Virginia Department of Transportation, 4975 Alliance Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030.
Once the meeting is complete, the recorded presentation and project materials will be available online at
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