RELEASE: Immediate
Nov. 22, 2022
Ellen Kamilakis | 703-638-2595
Learn more and give feedback online at
FAIRFAX – The Virginia Department of Transportation will hold a virtual public information meeting Tuesday, Nov. 29 on planned multimodal improvements and access management for just over three miles of Braddock Road (Route 620) between Humphries Drive in Burke and Ravensworth Road in Annandale, including the ramps from southbound and northbound I-495 (Capital Beltway) to eastbound Braddock Road. The project team will provide an overview of work to date and will share information about the preferred concept at each of the critical Braddock Road intersections of Rolling Road, Burke Lake Road and Danbury Forest Drive/Wakefield Chapel Road.
The project aims to improve multimodal safety, mobility and accessibility for all users with intersection and interchange enhancements, new and upgraded shared-use paths along both sides of Braddock Road, and a potential pedestrian overpass just west of Burke Lake Road.
Within the project limits, Braddock Road averages about 61,000 vehicles a day.
The project’s right of way and construction will be done in two phases: Braddock Road from Southampton Drive to Ravensworth Road, and Ravensworth Road from Braddock Road to Heritage Drive (Phase 1) and Braddock Road from Humphries Drive to Southampton Drive (Phase 2). Phase 1 is fully funded and Phase 2 is partially funded. The project is financed with federal, state (including Smart Scale) and local funding.
Get Involved
In lieu of an in-person meeting, VDOT invites residents and travelers to learn more, participate in the virtual meeting and give feedback in the following ways through Wednesday, Dec. 14:
Meeting materials and the presentation will be available online at, including the recorded presentation after the meeting.
VDOT ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you need more information or special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, contact VDOT Civil Rights at 703-259-1775.
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