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TransAction 2030 Frequently Asked Questions

What is NVTA?

NVTA is the acronym for the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, which was created by the Virginia General Assembly on July 1, 2002 to offer a common voice for Northern Virginia on the transportation issues and options that confront us. The Authority is charged with developing a regional transportation plan, working with Northern Virginia’s communities to develop regional priorities and policies to improve air quality, and serving as an advocate for the transportation needs of Northern Virginia before the state and federal governments.

Why are you updating the 2020 Transportation Plan?

The 2020 Plan was adopted by the nine Northern Virginia jurisdictions in 1999 with the provision that the Plan be periodically updated. Since that time some of the proposed projects were completed and a number of regional transportation studies have been conducted. In addition, the number of transit trips has increased by 4% annually and the number of vehicle miles traveled through the region has grown by 2.1 percent annually. The TransAction 2030 plan will update the list of bus and rail transit, roadway, and non-motorized transportation needs throughout the Northern Virginia area based on these changes. It is important to note that no new major capacity improvements will be added to the updated plan. The TransAction 2030 Plan is intended to prioritize the already-recognized transportation needs identified in the 2020 Plan.

Where can I view the 2020 Transportation Plan?

You may view the 2020 Transportation Plan on the Internet by visiting the following link:

How will the projects listed in TransAction 2030 be funded?

The TransAction 2030 Plan identifies $47 billion in regional transportation needs between 2000 and 2030. Of that amount, $30 billion was anticipated to be reasonably available by the year 2030, leaving $17 billion in additional unfunded needs. As funds become available, specific projects in the TransAction 2030 will be brought forward for study, design, and construction.

What are some typical funding sources that might be available?

Examples of typical funding sources that have been used or may be available include state and local bonds, gas tax, tolls, fare increases, and special tax districts.

What is the CLRP?

The Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP) for the National Capital Region refers to the transportation plan adopted by the metropolitan Washington region that identifies recommended capital improvements, studies, actions, and strategies that the region proposes for a 20-year period. Long-range plans have been developed and updated for the Washington region since the mid-1960s. In 1993, new U.S. Department of Transportation regulations for metropolitan planning required that the plan be financially constrained. The constraint requires that, to remain eligible for Federal funding, the proposed project costs have identifiable projected funding that can be “reasonably expected to be available.”

The CLRP is updated every three years. The National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board (TPB), the federally designated metropolitan planning organization for the Washington metropolitan area, prepares the CLRP. The TPB is made up of representatives of 18 local jurisdictions, the departments of transportation of Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia, the state legislatures, and the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA or Metro). The TPB proposes amendments to the CLRP on an annual basis.