The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) and The Intelligent Transportation Society of Virginia (ITS Virginia) Present:
4th Annual Northern Virginia Transportation Roundtable
Wednesday March 13, 2019, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
The 4th Annual Northern Virginia Transportation Roundtable was themed: “Driven by InNoVation: A Glimpse into the Future of Transportation.” The Roundtable, was both informative and interactive, and comprised of two plenary sessions, featuring two panels consisting of transportation and technology experts. Both sessions were moderated by Max Smith, transportation and Northern Virginia reporter with WTOP.
Also, for the first time at the Roundtable, live-polling was conducted with event attendees. To see a full event recap, please click here.
- Panel 1: Andy Schaudt, Project Director, Automated Vehicle Systems, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
- Panel 1: Paul Mackie, Director, Research and Communications, Mobility Lab
- Panel 1: Ben LaRocco, Senior Manager of State Policy, Lime
- Panel 1: Scott Zuchorski, Senior Director, Global Infrastructure and Project Finance Group, Fitch Ratings
- Panel 2: Lei Zhang, Director, Maryland Transportation Institute, University of Maryland
- Panel 2: Amanda Stout, Deputy Chief of Staff, DDOT
- Panel 2: Jennifer DeBruhl, Chief of Public Transportation, DRPT
- Panel 2: Monica Backmon, Executive Director, Northern Virginia Transportation Authority
7:30 am Registration, networking, continental breakfast sponsored by John Marshall Bank
8:00 am Welcome Monica Backmon, Executive Director, Northern Virginia Transportation Authority; and Blanche (Bee) Buergler, Arlington County, President, Intelligent Transportation Society of Virginia
8:15 am Connected, Autonomous, Shared, and Electric (CASE) Vehicles; The Latest and Greatest Developments and Impacts: Disruptive technologies are already here and beginning to change the way we travel. This session will feature a panel discussion with experts at the leading edge of the new mobility revolution.
- Moderated by: Max Smith, Reporter, WTOP
- Andy Schaudt, Project Director, Automated Vehicle Systems, Virginia Tech Transportation Institute
- Paul Mackie, Director, Research and Communications, Mobility Lab
- Ben LaRocco, Senior Manager of State Policy, Lime
- Scott Zuchorski – Senior Director, Global Infrastructure and Project Finance Group, Fitch Ratings
9:45 am Break
10:00 am Transportation Technology Deployments and Shared Mobility Initiatives across the Metro Area: The new mobility revolution presents opportunities for travelers and challenges for policy makers. This session will explore current activities in Maryland, the District, and the Commonwealth.
- Moderated by: Max Smith, WTOP
- Lei Zhang, Director, Maryland Transportation Institute, University of Maryland – incenTrip: Personalized Multimodal Travel Demand Management
- Amanda Stout, Deputy Chief of Staff, DDOT – AV Deployment in the District of Columbia
- Jennifer DeBruhl, Chief of Public Transportation, DRPT – Transit Technology and Shared Mobility Initiatives in Virginia
- Cathy McGhee, Director, Transportation Innovation and Research, VDOT – Innovation in the Commonwealth of Virginia
- Monica Backmon, Executive Director, Northern Virginia Transportation Authority – NVTA Initiatives
11:45 am Audience Interaction: Moderated by: Max Smith, WTOP