Sen. Scott Surovell, D-36th District, will host a mega-town hall with transportation agencies from around Prince William County at 6 p.m. on Monday, September 10, 2018 at the Northern Virginia Community College Woodbridge Campus Workforce Development Center. Elected officials and agency representatives will address:
Status of U.S. 1 Widening
Status of High Speed Rail from DC to Raleigh
Express Lanes Extension to Fredericksburg
Virginia Rail Express Expansion Update
Northern Virginia Transportation Authority $44.5 Million Funding for Dumfries U.S. 1 Widening
Status of I-95/VA-123/U.S. 1 Bottleneck
Blue Line Extension to Eastern Prince William County
The town hall will include Senators Scott Surovell and Jeremy McPike, Delegates Hala Ayala, Jennifer Carroll Foy, Elizabeth Guzman, and Luke Torian. Officials from Prince William County Transportation, Virginia Department of Transportation, Virginia Rail Express, Transurban, Department of Rail and Public Transportation, Northern Virginia Transportation Authority, and Potomac and Rappahannock Transportation Commission will also be on hand to help answer questions.
At 6:30 p.m., agency officials will provide information in an open house-style format. At 7:00 p.m., participants will transition over to a presentation and town hall-format meeting. There will be time for citizens to ask questions and provide feedback to their elected representatives and agency officials.