*NVTA-Funded Project
Project description:
- Widening of Liberia to 3 through lanes in the eastbound direction between Route 28 and Euclid Ave.
- Extend existing Route 28 northbound left turn lane on Liberia Ave.
- Coordination with PRTC to improve future bus stops and potential pull-off lanes
- Pedestrian Improvements
- Sidewalk infill along Route 28
- Wider sidewalk with 3’ buffer along Liberia
- New pedestrian crossings on Liberia
- Two alternatives
- Widening to the south
- Widening to the north (median)
- Project Cost: $8.9 million
- Alternative 1: Impacts primarily on private properties
- Alternative 2: Impacts primarily on median
- This project is identified in the Key Transportation Projects of the Comprehensive Plan
- NVTA regional funds were awarded for design and construction in FY26 – FY27
- The concept was developed in January 2022.
Share your comments and take the survey
Public input is being sought and is critical to receive before a project is recommended to be added to the Capital Improvement Program.
Thursday October 13th at 7pm – virtual
Sign Up for the Meeting
Wednesday October 26th at 7pm – in-person at the Public Works Conference Room (8500 Public Works Dr.)
Contact: Brian Leckie
Transportation Planner