This project explores the possibility of providing a context-sensitive multimodal connection between Crystal City and Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA) for use by people walking, biking, and using micromobility devices. The study includes environmental reviews required by the federal NEPA review process.
The CC2DCA connection could provide residents, visitors, and business travelers of all ages and abilities with a safe and convenient way to reach the airport from Crystal City. Not only could the project provide pedestrian and bicycle access to a national air travel hub, it could also potentially create and enhance multimodal connections among the airport, the relocated Virginia Railway Express (VRE) commuter rail station, and the multi-use Mount Vernon Trail.
In October 2022, the project team kicked off the 3rd public engagement opportunity for the CC2DCA Study, covering the process from initial concept designs to a recommended preferred alternative. This public engagement window is open from October 4, 2022 to November 6, 2022.
You can share your feedback in one of three ways:
The online feedback form guides participants through a high-level overview of the study’s progress to date, and asks for your feedback along the way.
Virtual Question & Answer Session
The project team will host a virtual public meeting for the recommended preferred alternative on October 25, 2022 from 7:00pm to 8:0pm. The project team answered questions about the study’s progress, and about the engagement materials that are part of this public comment period.
Submit Comments by Email
You can submit your input about the study and its progress so far via email at any time by emailing your comments to