Authority Meeting (Electronic Meeting)
Date(s) – September 10, 2020
7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Note: On March 12, 2020, the Governor of Virginia declared a state of emergency in the Commonwealth in response to the spread of novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. The Northern Virginia Transportation Authority finds that it has a responsibility to demonstrate to the public, through the Authority’s conduct, the importance of maintaining proper physical distance from others and to avoid gathering in public where the risks of infection are highest, and to take measures that promote physical distancing in order to protect the public health and mitigate the impacts and spread of COVID-19, including, among others, conducting meetings electronically whenever possible.
**Due to limited room capacity, and keeping safety top of mind, jurisdictional staff and the public are discouraged from attempting to attend physically. This meeting will be held electronically. Jurisdictional staff and the public can view the meeting live on NVTA’s YouTube Channel.